الملخص الإنجليزي
This study derives its importance from the presentation of the Omani folktale from a pragmatic view that explores its secrets and digs for its hidden details with a broader perspective of the context based on Françoise Arminco's approach. This comprehensive analysis is limited to four Omani folktales which are viewed in four contexts (circumstantial, interactional, pragmatic, and presuppositional) according to pragmatic approaches and mechanisms. Arminco's four contexts draw the attention to the mechanical, social, economical, psychological, cultural, and linguistic elements of the folktale in order to employ them in the pragmatic analysis which is concerned with the semiotic dimensions based on the relationship between signs, subjects, perceptions, and users. The study consists of an introduction, a literature review, three chapters, and a conclusion. The introduction explains the motives behind choosing the subject of the study and its importance, its approach and mechanisms, its questions and objectives, its problems and difficulties, and its structure and sections. Then, the literature review introduces Françoise Arminco and her concept of context. The first chapter of this study consists of four sections starting with showing the importance of context to Aristotle in the first section, moving to associating the context to the situation as described by Arabs in the second section, presenting the context in the modern Western studies in the third one, and ending with the fourth section which deals with the context and situation as defined by the modern Arabs. The second chapter consists of seven sections. The first section differentiates between the folktale and the story and the second one clarifies the concept of "folk". The third section points out the features of the folktale while the fourth highlights the functions of the folktale. The fifth section identifies the problems of its classification, the sixth one presents the Omani folktale publications and the seventh contains the research blog. The third chapter is divided into four sections each of which analyzes a tale according to its four contexts. As for the conclusion, it contains the most prominent results and proposals.