الملخص الإنجليزي
This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a meaningful teaching strategy that is computer-assisted on ninth-grade students' achievement and their attitudes toward mathematics The research sample consisted of 69 female students divided into two groups; experimental group & control group. The experimental group was selected from one school and the control group from another school. After that, one class from each school was selected randomly from ninth grade classes that are taught by equivalent teachers in terms of qualification, years of teaching experience and graduation institution. The study used three instruments prepared by the researcher including pre-achievement test, post- achievement test, and attitudes scale towards mathematics. The data collected was analyzed using statistical means, standard deviations, and t-test for two independent samples. Results of the study revealed that the teaching strategy used in the study was effective in improving students' achievement and their attitudes toward mathematics. The study ended with several recommendations such as using computer assisted teaching to help teachers taking into account student differences in learning mathematics.