الملخص الإنجليزي
This research aims to highlight Sheikh Nasser AIKharousi's book AlTahtheeb bil Nahw AlQareeb by using the author's approach and syntactical terminology. The book itself is, in fact, an interpretation of a poem, Urjooza, entitled The hundred Factor's Content "Matn AlAwamil Almi'a by Al Jurjani.
The research is divided into two main sections: the first section is a review of the book consisting of an introduction, a forward, two chapters and a conclusion. The forward states biographical data of Sheikh Nasser AlKharousi. The first chapter describes the book by explaining a syntactical poem 'Alurjooza Altahdhybyyah bilawamil AlArabia' which the author had included within 'Matn Alawamil Almi'a' upon request. The second chapter addresses Sheikh Nasser's efforts in the Arabic language and syntax field. His syntactic views and comments are researched and his approaches to syntactic facters and usage of syntactic terminology are studied. A Kufi influence as well as fresh and novel views on syntax characterize the author as an independent thinker among his contemporaries.
The conclusion summarizes the findings of this in-depth analysis. The book is primarily for instructional purposes since it is written in a simple style that serves the author's intended aims of teaching. In fact, the era in which this book and most syntax letters in Oman had been published, were specifically designed for instructional purposes suitable for young learners.
The second section includes the researched text itself preceded by an introduction describing the two manuscripts involved in this research. The research also includes interpretation of Quranic verses and Hadith. The research style focuses on the importance of margin documentation and corrections as well as commentary, interpretation and supporting literature juxtaposing modern and ancient grammarians