الملخص الإنجليزي
The aim of this study is to evaluate the competences of the lesson planning by the teachers of Islamic studies at the secondary levels, in addition to examining the effect of sex, experience and the subject units upon practicing these competences. The study sample contained 43 Islamic studies teachers, males and females, at the secondary level from Sharqiyah North. Those teachers agreed to cooperate with the researcher. To achieve the aims, this study tried to answer the following questions:
1. What are the planning competences the Islamic studies teachers have to practice in his daily lesson plans? 2. To what extent do the Islamic studies teachers from Sharqiyah North region apply these competences? 3. Are there any statistics-meaning differences in the teachers' performance of the competences of the lesson plan according to the variables of sex, experience and the subject elements? To answers these questions a criterion had been prepared containing 47 statements distributed as follows:
-Six statements for general data or information of the plan. -Ten statements for educational objectives. -Fourteen statements for procedures and activities. -Four statements for educational media. -Nine statements for evaluation. -Four statements for comments-. 31arbitrators confirmed validity of the research tool. The constancy of the criterion was checked by another analyzer, Holesty equation was used to get the percentage of the agreement that reached 93%. After analyzing and processing the data statistically, we got the following results :
-Prelisting of the Islamic studies teachers of lesson planning competences in Sharqiah North reached 81%. - There are statistics meaning differences among the teachers according to the sex. They are on the behalf of the female teachers -Less than six year experienced teachers are better in applying lesson planning competences than more than six year experienced teachers. The recommendations:
-Making use of the criteria the study maintained to establish evaluation forms peahens ) to observe the performana of Islamic studies teachers to by the supervisors or headmaster -the teaching training programmer should include procedural examples of how to plan the lessens of the Islamic studies they should be in a way the of helps the students to know the steps of planning as well as applying them practically during the microteaching.