الملخص الإنجليزي
It goes without saying; the issuance of Royal Decree No. 99/2011 amending some provisions of the Basic Law of the State represents a significant leap in the scope of supervisory jurisdiction granted to The Shura Council, therefore this study highlights the most significant supervisory powers held by the Council in facing the Executive Branch, as well as clarifying the most important means and regulatory tools used by the Council in initiating its essentional supervisory role, such as accountable the Executive Branch, compliance and achieving its goals through public interest.
Therefore, by achieving its goal, this study has concluded with several results and highlighted on: the supervisory of the Shura Council over the public money is limited jurisdiction, reducing the inpul role of the Council over the state budget and not activating some of the available regal atory tools by the Council it self.
This study has concluded a number of recommendations to be found in the conclusion.