الملخص الإنجليزي
This current study aims to diagnoses the dictation errors with grade six basic students and knowing its reasons. Thestudy sample consisted of(300)male and female studentsequally betweenthem, and (200)teachersequally betweentheir gender.
To answerthe study questionsrelated todiagnosis ofdictation errorsan Achievement testconsisting of(10)objectivequestions have been prepared. It was checked bysubmitting it to thecharitygroup ofarbitrators. The reliability ofthe internal consistencywas calculatedby using Cronbach'salphaandworth(92.5%), which is an acceptable indication for the purposes ofthe study.
To answer the questions concerningon the reasons behind students' dictation errorsa questionnaire was preparedconsisting of(50)texts. It was checked bysubmitting it to theattention ofarbitrators' group. The reliability ofits internal consistency was calculatedby using Cronbach'salphaandworth 90.0%), which is an acceptable indication for the purposes ofthe study. The study foundthe presence ofdictation errorsin malesand females, but it is more in males and the most important mistakes are semicolon, exclamation mark The studyalso found several causes leadingto the students' dictation errors. The most important causes are causes related to the school administration and the learning system and other reasons concerning the teacher and others relating to the subject itself etc.. There is no statistically significantdifferenceinthe causes leadingto the students' dictation errorsbetween the averageresponsesof teachers.