الملخص الإنجليزي
As the adoption of e-commerce in general and mobile commerce in particular is emerging in the Omani market, factors affecting such adoption are very important to investigate and analyze to be able to understand consumer behaviors. This research aims at studying the factors affecting consumer's adoption of mobile commerce in the context of Omani market. The study utilizes the second version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) as the basic model. The model is extended with Trust and Perceived Convenience constructs adopted from previous studies. Few studies used UTAUT/UTAUT2 to study mobile commerce adoption in Oman and no.previous study attempted to investigate perceived convenience construct for the same context. Hence, this study attempts to address these gaps and contribute to the research field by extending UTAUT2 with additional constructs within the context of mobile commerce in Oman.
The study plan includes multiple objectives. First, identifying the factors affecting behavioral intentions to adopt mobile cominerce among consumers in Oman. Second, --validating UTAUT2 for predicting consumer adoption of m-commerce in the context of Oman population and discovering. Third, testing new constructs that extend the UTAUT2 model to help further explain the factors influencing consumer behavioral intentions to use m-commerce in Oman based on past researches.
The research is based on quantitative analysis of users' responses to the survey questions. A questionnaire was distributed, and responses were collected from 454 respondents. Data was analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques to ideritify the key determinants of behavioral intention to use inobile commerce among consumers in Oman. The research findings reveal that only perceived convenience, perforinance expectancy, habit, social influence and trust were found to have significant influence on behavioral intention to use mobile commerce among respondents. Effort expectancy, hedonic motivations and price value. were found insignificant factors for the adoption of mobile commerce. Based on the findings, the study provides theoretical reflections on the mobile commerce maturity as a technology and the emergence of mobile commerce as an important marketing channel. The study also demonstrates practical implications regarding.convenience, social and cultural aspects, and business offerings from the point of view of marketing efforts.