الملخص الإنجليزي
The role of the private training institutions in training Human Resources in the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman.
The aim of this study is to find out the role of the private training institutions(PTI) in the training of human resources(HR) at the Ministry of Education (MOE) in the Sultanate of Oman, from the point of view of directors of departments and their assistants, heads of departments, training specialists, trainers directorates Cabinet of the MOE, and managers of PTI. It also aimed to know the difficulties faced by both the MOE and PTI in the training of human resources at the MOE. To achieve the objectives of the study what was reviewed and analyzed the research and educational studies relevant to the subject study, was also prepared and design measures to collect the data necessary to doing the study. These measures included a questionnaire of 50 items as a first measure covering five dimensions. First three dimensions were about, the role of the PTI in each of the management of training programs and funding and implementation of training programs, while address the fourth dimension causes the use of the PTI. and the fifth dimension was about the difficulties faced by the MOE, when dealing with PTI. The second measure is a questionnaire composed of 7 open-ended questions.
The sample included 275 employees at the MOE, and 165 managers of PTI in the governorate of Muscat, has been the analysis of data collected using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
The results showed that the most important role of PTI for the training of human resources at the MOE was not significant, but came with a medium level; also that this role primarily focused in the implementation of training programs, followed by administration of training programs, and finally the funding that comes standard is weak. In addition, the study found that the use of consulting firms and local and international Arabic is the main cause of the reasons why the Ministry for the use of these PTI. The main difficulties faced by both the MOE and PTI is related to the financial aspect, so the study suggested several recommendations in which they can activate the role of PTI for the training of human resources at the MOE, as recommended by the study to carry out further studies on the subject.