
الشاعر العماني ناقدًا سيف الرحبي أنموذجًا.

جامعة نزوى
English abstract
This study applies the descriptive analytic approach on the works of Seif Al-Rahbiy's criticism; so the study has monitored the analytic phenomena and issues and discussed them according to the approach through which it tried to introduce readings for the criticism that was presented in Seif Al-Rahbiy's critical articles. Chapter I is about: "Al-Rahbiy and the Controversial Poetic Forms in the Modern Era", here he tried to uncover such inner and outer relations which led the poem to rebel against its forms, its structure and its language. The researcher tried to find out an accumulative logical relationship about which Al-Rahbiy wrote in that new form of the poem. Also, this chapter discussed other subjects such as the crisis of renewal, the poetic language and the prose poem. Chapter II is about: "Rahbiy and Contemporary Critical Issues", here the study has chosen the matter of "Heritage and its Relationship with the Contemporary) and the issue of (The Text and the Recipient in textual Criticism Standards). The study tries to extrapolate multiple connotations and phenomena through these issues to highlight the role of Al-Rahbiy on the scene of criticism and what he presented to human civilization from unique criticism far cry from the biases of an idea or doctrine or trend. He introduced it with a conscious presentation that is aware of the importance of creativity as part of a comprehensive global framework that cannot be confined or restricte. Chapter III is about: "Al-Rahbiy's Critical Approach: Readings of Some Models of his articles", through this chapter we study Al-Rahbiy's خ style in three essays. These essays are: "Adonis: the map of contradictions", "Mirage of the Meaning", "Jabra Ibrahim Jabra& Elias Khouriy's" Testimony of the Lebanese war". These essays are being handled in an attempt to investigate and explore Al-Rahbiy's approach in his critical writings, that self-impressionist approach which does not recognize the trends or even documentation, but it simply uses implicit references which bewilders the reader and open the horizon for him to read more and provokes his mind and his cognitive outcome to enter into meaningful dialogues.
Arabic abstract
تقوم هذه الدراسة بتطبيق المنهج الوصفي على أعمال سيف الرحبي النقدية، وقد قامت برصد الظواهر والقضايا النقدية ومناقشتها بناء على منهجها الذي عملت من خلاله على محاولة تقديم قراءات للظواهر النقدية الواردة في مقالات سيف الرحبي النقدية.
فجاء التمهيد لهذا البحث ليعرض للقارئ صفحات من شخصية سيف الرحبي، والجوانب التي أثرت في شخصيته النقدية: كالبيئة، والمؤثرات العربية والغربية، ثم الوصول إلى انطلاقة تشكيل رؤاه النقدية وشخصيته الناقدة، ومنطلقاتها العامة، فشكل التمهيد مدخلا غنيا بتفاصيل الرحبي إنسانا وناقدا.
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