Broncho-oesophageal fistula (BOF) secondary to missing partial denture in an alcoholic in a low resource country.
Yusufu, Lazarus MD., Author
Abur, Peter., Author
Edaigbini, Sunday A., Author
Dawotola, David A., Author
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
English abstract
T he clinical course of a missing partial denture with secondary BOF in an alcoholic is presented. In the index case we report an exceptional clinical course of a patient who did not ascribe his symptoms to his ''missing'' dentures for several years, the odontologist who replaced an unrecovered denture, and the generalist who administered the barium swallow in an unsuspected BOF. Preoperative optimization of the patient was by blenderized local feeds through a feeding tube gastrostomy and by chest physiotherapy. Extraction of the denture and closure of fistula were done through a right thoracotomy. The importance of a high index of clinical suspicion of BOF in a low resource setting to avoid the morbidity and mortality associated with missing dentures is discussed. Odontologists, caregivers and clinicians must educate patients on the hazards of missing dentures and cases of missing / lost dentures should be adequately investigated / explored in the patient's history and clinical assessment before they are replaced.
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Odigie, Vincent I., Yusufu, Lazarus MD., Abur, Peter, Edaigbini, Sunday A., Dawotola, David A., Mai, Ahmad, & Ameh, Samuel O. (2011).Broncho-oesial deophageal fistula (BOF) secondary to missing partnture in an alcoholic in a low resource country. Oman Med
Journal articles