The contributions of injury deaths to the gender gap in life expectancy and life disparity in Eastern Mediterranean Region.
Hajizadeh, Mohammad., Author
Kiadaliri, Ali., Author
Bairami, Firoozeh, Hajizadeh, Mohammad, & Kiadaliri, Ali (2023). The contributions of injury deaths to the gender gap in life expectancy and life disparity in Eastern Mediterranean Region. Injury Epidemiology, 10 (1), [1-9].
English abstract
Background Injury deaths constitute a major avoidable cause of death afecting life expectancy to a diferent degree
in men and women. This study quantifed the contributions of injury deaths to the gender gap in life expectancy
(GGLE) and life disparity (GGLD) in nine Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) countries.
Methods We retrieved annual data on age-sex specifc causes of death from the World Health Organization mortality
database for EMR countries with at least 2-year consecutive data during 2010–2019. The injury-related deaths were
categorized into fve groups: transport accidents, other accidental injuries, intentional self-harm, assault and events
of undetermined intent. Considering women as the reference, the GGLE and GGLD were decomposed by age and
causes of death, using a continuous-change model.
Results The largest and smallest GGLE were observed in Kuwait (5.2 years) and Qatar (−1.2 years), respectively. Qatar
(−2.2 years) and Oman (0.2 years) had the highest and lowest GGLD. The highest contributions of injury deaths to
the GGLE/GGLD were seen in Libya (1.8/−1.2 years), followed by Iran (1.2/−0.8 years). Among injury causes, transport
accidents were the leading cause of GGLE in all countries but Libya and Morocco, with Iran having the greatest contri butions (0.6 years). Injury deaths in men aged 15–29 years accounted for 33% [41%] (Kuwait) to 55% [65%] (Oman) of
total GGLE [GGLD] attributable to injury deaths.
Conclusions High injury deaths, particularly transport accidents, among young men contributed substantially to the
GGLE and GGLD across nine EMR countries in this study. This highlights the need for implementing preventing poli cies to reduce the burden of injury deaths specifcally in young men.
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