
Depositional environment and diagenetic alterations of the PreCambrian kharus formation in the Jabal Akhdar, Northern Oman.

Sultan Qaboos University.
English abstract
In the Jabal Akhdar of northern Oman, the late Neoproterozoic Kharus Formation is timeequivalent to the gas-producing reservoir of the Buah Formation in the subsurface in Oman Interior Basin. This thesis project provides a detailed description of the depositional microfacies distribution of Kharus Formation and the diagenetic alterations and their impacts on reservoir quality of the studied Kharus Formation in two outcrops: Wadi Bani Awf and Wadi Bani Kharus in the Jabal Akhdar area. Detailed sedimentological descriptions of Wadi Bani Awf and Wadi Bani Kharus sections constructed to provide a better understanding of depositional microfacies distribution. Petrographical (Thinsections, SEM and CL) and geochemical analyses (EDS, XRD and XRF) were done to investigate the diagenetic alterations and their effects on the reservoir quality. The Kharus carbonates conformably overlie Mu'aydin Formation clastics with a transitional contact. In Wadi Bani Awf, the upper boundary of the Kharus Formation characterized by conformable contact with Fara Formation (Ara Group). However, in Wadi Bani Kharus, it defined by angular unconformable contact with Permian Saiq Formation. This study indicates that the Kharus Formation accumulated on a distally steepened storm-dominated ramp showing an overall shallowing-upward trend. The lower Kharus reflects the deposition in the outer ramp environment, where the thick mudstone microfacies with microbial lamination deposited. The mudstone microfacies do not show any evidence of the presence of evaporitic materials or desiccation features this indicates that the deposition took place at relatively deeper-water settings below the storm wave vi base and under quiet conditions. In addition, the outer ramp characterized by the presence of poorly sorted, matrix-supported floatstone-rudstone microfacies. The presence of this thick floatstone-rudstone interval with its shallow-water-derived clasts indicates it deposited in shallow waters within inner-mid ramp or re-deposited in the outer ramp area. The upper Kharus dominates by the presence of ooidal-peloidal grains and the m- scale stromatolites that indicate the deposition in inner-mid ramp environment. These suggest that the deposition had taken place under high-energy conditions above the fair-weather wave base. The main diagenetic processes that affected the Kharus Formation during three stages of diagenesis; eo-, meso- and telodiagenesis were cementation, mechanical and chemical compaction, micritization and dissolution. In eodiagenetic stage, the reservoir quality of the Kharus Formation affected by the mechanical compaction, dissolution of unstable grains and precipitation of pyrite. However, chemical compaction may occur in the mesodiagenetic stage. In addition, cementation by calcite and dolomite may have occurred in eo- and mesodiagenesis stages. Also, in oxic environment, iron oxide occurs at the early and later stages of diagenesis. Finally, these diagenetic alterations processes have affected the reservoir quality of the Kharus Formation negatively.
Theses and Dissertations