
دور القانون في دمج وتمكين ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة بالمجتمع العماني : دراسة سوسيولوجية.

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The Role of law in incorporating and enabling the disabled in Omani society : a sociological study
جامعة المنصورة.
English abstract
- The idea and importance of the study: The disability was not followed by the body of those who suffer from it as much as it is in the same denial of this category the possibility of re adaptation and rehabilitation and return to the fabric of society. Thus, the nature of dealing with the disabled child only be in accordance with the therapeutic concept, which requires to face the causes of disability only. But it is necessary to deal with the social and personal needs of this group of people. Thus, the needs of people with special needs, whether visual, auditory, or physical disabilities, not only help overcome the difficulties of life, so that we provide him with food, clothes and a place to sleep, but need to help discharge his full potential and capabilities to appear to exist, To employ these abilities and skills in the direction that suits them, there are many people with special needs who have created in the fields of their work, and this is not achieved by the status of disabled in a special center and isolation from the community, because this works to deepen the complexity of the problem remains the negative attitudes of society towards this disabled in terms of High on the A community can not provide a service to him, as well as it remains the attitudes of people with special needs negative towards the society, which neglected and isolated from the rest of its members. - The importance of this study in the following points: - Defining negative social attitudes towards people with special needs - Determining the shortcomings of Omani law that cause real disability for people with special needs. It was noticed that people with special needs did not have many rights and services compared to their other peers. Some general systems that facilitate and facilitate the process of empowerment and integration Social situation for people with special needs - The perception of people with special needs as a social burden that is not compensated for by their inability to perform any behaviors that benefit society. The physical deficit increases the suffering of people with special needs and their families. This is reflected in their low participation In the various community activities and their tendency to isolation - the low status of people with special needs in society and suffering from many social and psychological problems resulting from the community to them and not the consequences of disability in itself. - The problem of study: One of the most important requirements for the integration and empowerment of people with special needs is to provide all forms of social, economic and health support to reduce the levels of psychological pressure on these families. According to research findings, people with special needs are exposed to various forms of negative discrimination, especially exclusion from all activities and experiences of social life. The most vulnerable groups are the social and psychological isolation and neglect in developing societies. This is due to the lack of legal legislation in this category, which requires the need to introduce legal legislation that supports their rights and provides them with equal opportunities. There is also the intention of the family to isolate people with special needs from the surrounding environment for a number of reasons (fear of not adapting, avoidance of what is associated with training, education and service, difficulties and problems resulting from that time and effort) However, what should be pointed out is that this leaves profound negative effects on the psyche of people with special needs. If isolated, they will be deprived of the opportunities to use their abilities, preparations and skills, and the family and society will be able to help people with special needs to help them On self-esteem They are realistically planning their lives or assessing their abilities and preparations correctly without increasing or decreasing. - Objectives of the study: The overall objective of this study is to identify the role of the law in the integration and empowerment of people with special needs in the Omani society. The general objective stems from a number of sub-goals: 1- Learn about the laws and legislation on the integration and empowerment of people with special needs in Amman. 2- Identifying the problems faced by people with special needs and their families in Amman. 3- To identify the most important needs and requirements of people with special needs in the Sultanate of Oman. 4- What is the actual reality in the process of rehabilitation, integration and empowerment of people with special needs in Amman, 5- To recognize the role of the State and civil society in integrating and empowering people with special needs in society. 6- The future vision of the respondents to face problems and activate their integration and empowerment in Oman. - Study questions: 1- What are the laws and regulations concerning the integration and empowerment of people with special needs in Amman? 2- What are the problems facing people with special needs and their families in the Sultanate of Oman? 3 - What are the most important needs and requirements of people with special needs in the Sultanate of Oman? 4- What is the actual reality in the process of rehabilitation, integration and empowerment of people with special needs in Amman? 5- What is the role of the state and civil society in integrating and empowering people with special needs in society? 6- What is the future vision of the respondents to confront the problems and activate the process of integration and empowerment in Oman? - To address this problem comes the study in six chapters as follows: - The first chapter is entitled The theoretical and methodological framework of the study. It includes a number of elements, namely: the idea of the study and its importance, the problematic of the study, the objectives and questions of the study, the concepts of the study, the methodological procedures of the study which include the theory, methodology and tools used by the study. As well as statistical methods for processing statistical data during the field application of the study. - The second chapter deals with the previous studies. The researcher studied the previous studies related to the subject of the study and divided it into three main directions: Studies on the rights of people with special needs Studies on the rehabilitation, integration and empowerment of people with special needs Studies dealing with the care of people with special needs. I then commented on them in the light of the present study. - The third chapter deals with the challenges of people with special needs and includes a number of elements, namely: a historical overview of the development of the concept of people with special needs - special needs categories - the needs of people with special needs and their problems - ways of caring for people with special needs. -The fourth chapter entitled Rehabilitation, integration and empowerment of people with special needs and includes a number of elements: (Rehabilitation of people with special needs - integration of people with special needs - empowerment of people with special needs - Islamic look for people with special needs. - The fifth chapter entitled Legal and Legislative Rights for People with Special Needs, International and Omani, which includes a number of elements: The rights of persons with disabilities in international conventions - mechanisms for monitoring the protection and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities. - The sixth chapter is entitled Field study The field of the study in which the data are scheduled and categorized in tables that are analyzed statistically to give a precise descriptive picture of the content of the table and the results included in it in order to determine the degree to which the results of the study can be circulated to the original community, Reaching conclusions and recommendations of the study
Theses and Dissertations