Health-related quality of life, functioning, and physical symptoms of adult Omani colorectal cancer survivors.
DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2022.23.9.3019
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. v. 23, 9, 3019-3027
Al-Moundhri, Mansour., Author
Chan, Moon Fai., Author
Al-Hajriyah, Thuraiya., Author
Al-Balushiyah, Muna., Author
Al-Azri, Mohammed., Author
Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention.
English abstract
Background: Colorectal (CRC) survivors often experience physical and psychological symptoms affecting their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). This study aimed to identify factors impacting HRQoL-related functioning and physical symptoms among adult Omani CRC survivors. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 124 adult CRC survivors was conducted at the two main oncology referral hospitals in Oman. A validated Arabic version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer-Quality of Life Questionnaire 30 was used to collect data. Results: A total of 118 CRC survivors participated in the study (response rate: 95.2%). The mean age was 52 years and there were an equal number of male and female participants (n = 59 each; 50.0%). A total of 62 survivors (52.5%) had been diagnosed with CRC at stages III or IV. The overall score for global health was high (81.7). With regards to functioning, high mean scores were observed for domains of role (91.0) and social (90.7) functioning. In terms of symptoms, high mean scores were reported for constipation (25.4), insomnia (25.1), pain (20.1), and fatigue (18.9). Survivors under 60 years old (β=15.5, p=.004) and those with no comorbidities (β=16.0, p=.001) demonstrated better functional HRQoL. Being male was predictive of better functional HRQoL in the emotional (β=13.9, p0.008), cognitive functioning (β=12.5, p=.013), role functioning (β=14.0, p=0.006) and physical functioning (β=17.8, p0.001) domains. Conclusions: Healthcare professionals in Oman should implement measures to enhance the HRQoL of CRC survivors, particularly women and those with coexisting morbidities.
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