
كتاب الاستقامة للإمام أبي سعيد الكدمي (ق 4 هـ) ) من باب (ما يسع جهله وما لا يسع جهله من أحكام الولاية والبراءة وحتى نهاية الكتاب : دراسة وتحقيق.

جامعة السلطان قابوس.
English abstract
The book Al esteekama "straightness" was written by Alemam Abu Said Muhammad Bin Said Al-kadami. He was one of the most brilliant Omani scholars who lived in fourth century of hijri. Al-kadami specified his book as a mean to reply for Arustakqia school which adopted new opinion in the matter of "Baraa" and "Wilyaa". Which related to Al-emam Al -Selt Bin Malik case. Expanding in the argument, he ended covering further topics. He was also firmed the rules of the book and investigated every single information. For this reason, the book becomes as trusted reference in its topic. From brighter side, the book "Al esteekama" is considered as the greatest of its kind in this field. The thesis is totally about the study and editing of the last eight parts of Al esteekama book. It is divided into two sections. The first one is about author' biography and his book as well as editing methodology and it has four chapters, the first one is a presentation of personal record for Al-kadami, including his name, birth, lineage, early life, academic life and his death. The second chapter is entirely about the book, including its title, topics, sources, method and its importance. The third chapter displays the author's definition of reputation from its all aspects and its kinds. The last one comprises the best Book manuscripts which l had chosen for investigation. The second section of my thesis includes one goal is that editing of origin of the book.
كتاب الاستقامة للإمام أبي سعيد محمد بن سعيد الكدمي، من علماء عُمان، عاش في القرن الرابع الهجري، ألفَّه صاحبه للرد على المدرسة الرستاقية التي تبنت رأياً جديداً في أمر الولاية والبراءة في قضية الإمام الصلت بن مالك الخروصي؛ فأطال فيه الحجاج حتى توسع الكتاب،
Theses and Dissertations