
Measurement of volume change and mass transfer during serpentinization : insights from the Oman drilling project.

DOI: 10.1029/2019JB018877
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. v. 125, 5, e2019JB018877
United Kingdom.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
English abstract
Serpentinization plays a key role on the evolution of the physicochemical properties of the mantle lithosphere. The rate of serpentinization reactions idiscontinuities in the platelet separating ?1-?m-long segments of clinopyroxene. The presence of traces of magnetite in the discontinuities and their orientation in parallel to other magnetite grains suggest that the discontinuities were formerly filled with magnetite, which reacted during serpentinizations controlled by the transport of fluid, which itself depends on volume change during reaction. Element transfer can strongly modify the magnitude and sign of volume change. Here, we measure solid volume change and element transport perpendicular to a serpentine vein in a serpentinized dunite collected at depth during the Oman Drilling Project. The sample is extensively replaced (extent of reaction > 80 %) by a serpentine/brucite mixture parallel to a main serpentine vein network. The Mg content of serpentine and brucite indicates reaction with a small amount of fluid at temperatures below 100 °C. Concentrations of fluid-mobile trace elements (Na, Ca, Sr, Rb, and Ba) decrease perpendicular to the main vein. Primary olivine contains parallel platelets of a clinopyroxene/magnetite symplectite. Tomography at the nanoscale reveals that these inclusions do not react during serpentinization but are cracked and displaced. We use these inert markers to measure a 59 % to 74 % positive volume change that is close to the 52 % expected for reaction in a closed system. Chemical data indicate no change in major element composition during reaction except for the addition of water. The initial olivine zoning in Al, Ti, V, Sc, and Cr is still preserved in serpentine and brucite. Serpentinization can thus be a local replacement process during which the solid volume homogeneously increases at the micrometer scale and the transport of aqueous species is limited.
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