مهارات الفهم القرائية المتضمنة في أنشطة دروس القراءة في كتب اللغة العربية للصف الرابع : دراسة تحليلية مقارنة
جامعة السلطان قابوس
English abstract
This study aimed at investigating the percentage of the inclusion of reading comprehension skills in the activities assigned in the textbooks for grade four in a three stages that Arabic language textbooks has been through. The study also aimed at examining the differences in the skills included in the reading activities of textbooks in the three stages, and study seeks to answer the following two questions:
Q1: what is the percentage of skills included in the reading comprehension activities of grade four in the three stages?
Q2: Do the skills included in reading comprehension lessons differ in the different stages of the grade four reading activities?
In order to answer the above questions, an analysis-card derived from a list of reading comprehension skills necessary for grade four was developed by the researcher and then utilized to analyses all 1319 activities in the reading included in the textbooks. The study revealed that the activities of reading texts in the three stages focused noticeably on the direct and inventive levels of reading comprehension with percentages of (25.63%) (54.44%) respectively. The understanding levels of critique and appreciation included were low as (3.03%) (3.64%) respectively. In details, the results showed that most skills of reading comprehension were included with various percentages in the reading activities of the three stages. While five out of 42 skills have not been included in any activities. By comparing the reading comprehension activities in the textbooks of the three stages, it was clear that these text books generally included all of the five levels. Regarding the comparison of the detailed skills, it was found that the reading comprehension activities in the third stage included (34) skills out of (42); although, this was less than the other two stages which were (23) skills in the first stage, and (16) skills in the second one. It was also found that the activities in the third stage are much more than the activities in the other two stages.
رسالة جامعية
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Arabic abstract
هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى الكشف عن نسب تضمين مهارات الفهم القرائي في أنشطة دروس القراءة للصف الرابع بسلطنة عمان في المراحل الثلاث التي مرت بها كتب اللغة العربية، ومعرفة الاختلاف في نسب تضمين تلك المهارات بين أنشطة دروس القراءة بكتب المراحل الثلاث. وسعت الدراسة تحديدا إلى الإجابة عن السؤالين الآتيين:
Theses and Dissertations