
مسالك تقويم الكلام في ضوء اللسانيات المعرفية : بين أخطاء الانجاز الكلامي وقضايا اللحن في العربية.

رسالة دكتوراة
Other titles
Speech evaluation pathways in the light of cognitive linguistics : between verbal achievement errors and melody issues in the Arabic language
جامعة السلطان قابوس
Thesis Type
رسالة دكتوراة
English abstract
Study title: (Speech evaluation pathways in the light of cognitive linguistics between verbal achievement errors and melody issues in the Arabic language) The study deals with the linguistic problems related to verbal achievement in two frameworks: Cognitive: language being a cognitive tool; Through it, we produce verbal units that enhance community communication to refer to the common cognitive concepts adopted by the community, and a usage framework: based on the language’s goal of communication and its impact on different cultures and its development through the ages, based on two pillars : a) linguistic comprehension b) linguistic achievement Starting from the conceptual structure, and the formation of concepts in the human mind to the verbal and written communicative product and its development, its connotations change and the different ways of using them through the study of cognitive paths instead of studying synthetic structures and judgments; As we seek to reach a method of processing speech within the mind, and the role of the mind in the emergence of errors and melody in written and spoken achievements, and trying to address these problems according to the cognitive theories born from the theories of cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence, and the study depends on the applied field treatment to solve the problems of teaching languages and methods of linguistic correction And the most important topics related to the problems of verbal achievement.
Arabic abstract
عنوان الدراسة: (مسارات تقويم الكلام في ضوء اللسانيات المعرفية : بين أخطاء التحصيل اللفظي وقضايا اللحن في اللغة العربية)
تعالج الدراسة المشكلات اللغوية المرتبطة بالتحصيل اللفظي في إطارين اثنين: معرفي لكون اللغة أداة معرفية فعن طريقها ننتج وحدات كلامية تعزز التواصل المجتمعي للإشارة إلى المفهومات المعرفية المشتركة المتبناة من قبل المجتمع، وإطار استعمالي : قائم على دور اللغة الوظيفي من التواصل وتأثرها بالثقافات المختلفة وتطورها عبرالعصور، وذلك بالاعتماد على زكيزتين :
أ) الإدراك اللغوي
ب) الإنجاز اللغوي
Theses and Dissertations