
مسرحية "البئر" لآمنة الربيع : دراسة سيميائية.

جامعة نزوى
English abstract
The theartical literature is considered the highest images of the literary expression as the theatre is linked to the streams of daily life and receiver's emotions and feelings and it also addresses his mind and moves his thought. It is a large field for pumping thought and discussing them. The earlier writers were aware of its importance in changing and education societies and realised the role of the theatre in developing the world literature since the appearance of epics through which the dramatic works were emitted by the Greek. From here (Because of this) appeared the importance of this which highlights the theartical speech in model from the Omani theater, that's the play of the well (Al Baer) for the play wright Amenh Al Raabea and the director Mohamed Al Hanaey, through presenting semiology reading for the text and the show together. As our Arabian library lacks these critical studies which deepen our understanding for the theatrical literature from one side and our understanding for the tools of the semiologie syllabus and how to apply it in the theatrical literature from the other sid. The critics agree to the difficulty of applying the movie syllabus properly on stage as it extends through tow texts: the writer's text and the director's text. The play of the well is a fertile model for semiologie analysis as in addition to the writing technology in which the playwright employed symbols and evidences and the insbahat of the language , she deliparatly employed the quality of Tanas as she coped up with the peom of al Baer of Mahmoud Darwish ,this included the title and the narrative way. The theatrical show of Baer play doesn't have less importance than the text is of importance as the text ) · Although the director followed the playwright steps and his commitment of her direction visions which she explained through the theatrical guidances (directives ) ,the director could emit life in the body of the text depending on the features of the experimental current which is considered recently one of the theatrical experiences in the Arab world. Regardless of her modernized thinking resources. Thanks to our study which highlighted on a dynamic literature continueing in growth, is ready to reveal to us deepen conception for the theatrical literature. The theatrical study through the text and the show depending on what the theatrical syllabus offers her from analysis tools, interpreting reading and what the syllabus has of qualities of speech and building analysis so she could deepen in the world of text and show and completed (absorbs) the elements of the two texts together. The study is divided into three sections are: the first section handled through three general searches : the first search : the theatre semiologie, the concept and the origin. She talked about the general semiologie ,its origination, concept and attitudes and the stages of developing the theatre semiologie, according to the planning which was set by Tadeusz Kowzan with showing the efforts of Prague Linguistic Circle this search handled also the Arabian semiologe criticism of the theatre from the crisis of the idiom and the syllabus . The second search : it talked about the quality of the theatrical mark, as for classification , occupation and features (qualities). The third search : the semiologe criticism of the theatre, mechanism and analysis through distinguishing the concepts of criticism ,reading and interpretation. The semiologe features are : Immanent, the speech analysis and the building analysis. The second section entitled : semiologe study for the text the well ( al Baer )play analyzing the elements of the text through three searches are : 1-the Semiologie of similar text and this branched into semiologie of the title and semiologie of guidances. 2-Semiologie of personality through the analysis of the characters' features, the evidence of the characters' name and the effective power and the effective model and the personality types in the play. 3-Semiologie of the dramatic space. The third section handled the show analysis through out the analysis of semiologie, the audio and the seen which is represented in semiologie of the actor performance and semiologie of synoghraphia with its elements : the lightness the clothes ,music and the effect sounds and the semiologie of the theatre space. It also handled the analysis of the signal mark ,semiologie receiving through the receiving concepts and the production of the meaning in the well (al Baer)show and showing a collection of critical achievements of the play , finally shown the most important of all what the study aimed to
Arabic abstract
إن مسرحية "البئر" نموذج خصب للتحليل السيميائي، فإلى جانب تقنية الكتابة التي وظفت فيها الكاتبة الرموز والدلالات و انزياحات اللغة، يجئ العرض الركحي ليبعث الحياة في جسد النص معتمدا على خصائص المسرح التجريبي، فرغم سير المخرج على خطى الكاتبة، والتزامه برؤاها الإخراجية التي أوضحتها من خلال الإرشادات المسرحية، إلا أنه استطاع أن يقدم نصا فرجويا حافلا بالرموز والدلالات.
و من هنا جاءت أهمية هذه الدراسة التي تسلط الضوء على الخطاب المسرحي في نموذج من المسرح العماني، من خلال تقديم قراءة سيميائية للنص والعرض معا، حيث تفتقر مكتبتنا العربية إلى مثل هذه الدراسات النقدية التي تعمق فهمنا للأدب المسرحي من جهة، و فهمنا لأدوات المنهج السيميائي و كيفية تطبيقه في أدب المسرح من جهة أخرى.
تناولت الدراسة المسرحية نصا وعرضا معتمدة على ما يتيحه لها المنهج السيميائي من آليات تحليل، وقراءة تأويلية، و ما يتمتع به المنهج من خصائص التحليل البنيوي و الخطابي المحايث، لهذا تمكنت من الغوص في عوالم النص والعرض، واستوفت عناصر النصين معا.
انقسمت الدراسة إلى مدخل نظري و فصلين، تناول المدخل النظري نشأة سيمياء المسرح ومفهومها و مراحل نشوئها وفق التحقيب الذي وضعه طادیوز کاوزان، مع توضيح لجهود حلقة "براغ"، و أزمة المصطلح في النقد السيميائي العربي، و خصوصية العلامة المسرحية من حيث التصنيف و الوظيفة.
و جاء الفصل الأول بعنوان "دراسة سيميائية لنص مسرحية البئر" و شمل على ثلاثة مباحث هي:
- سيمياء النص الموازي ، العنوان والإرشادات المسرحية
- سيمياء الشخصية من خلال تحليل ملامح الشخصيات، و دلالة أسماء الشخصيات، و النموذج الفاعلي، و أنماط الشخصية في المسرحية.
- سيمياء الفضاء الدرامي. بينما اختص الفصل الثالث بتحليل العرض عبر دراسة سيمياء المسموع والمرئي، الذي تمثل في سيمياء أداء الممثل و سيمياء السينوغرافيا بعناصرها الاضاءة و الأزياء و الموسيقى والمؤثرات الصوتية، و سيمياء الفضاء الركحي، و سيمياء العلامة الإشهارية و سيمياء التلقي عبر مفاهيم التلقي و إنتاج المعنى في عرض "البئر"، واستعراض مجموعة من المنجزات النقدية للمسرحية، وختاما تم عرض أهم ما توصلت إليه الدراسة.
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