Predator-prey interaction models with a fear effect.
Sultan Qaboos University.
English abstract
Fear of a predator has an influence on prey population which is more stronger
than direct killing. We examined some ecological and epidemiological models
under the effect of predator fear, switching, migration, Allee effect, predator and
prey velocities. Our study supports the fact that slow moving prey has better
chances to escape from predation. Z-control used to bring the population to a
desired level in a short possible time. All possible equilibrium points have been
evaluated and we discussed their stabilities. We also discussed global stability
for some equilibrium points. The Hopf bifurcation and transcritical analysis have
been carried out. We investigated the time delay model and found the maximum
delay length which preserves the stability. Theoretical results were supported by
extensive numerical simulations.
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Theses and Dissertations