
سلطة جهة الإدارة في إبرام عقود الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص في التشريع العماني : "دراسة مقارنة".

Other titles
The authority of the administrative body in making partnership contracts between public and private sectors in the Omani legislation "A comparative study"
جامعة السلطان قابوس.
English abstract
This study addressed the authority of the administrative body in making partnership contracts between public and private sectors in the Omani legislation compared to the Egyptian legislation given that the Egyptian legislation is one of the first Arabic legislation that regulated the partnership contract between the public and private sectors with special texts according to Law no. 67 of 2010 AD concerning the regulation of private sector engagement in the infrastructure and public facilities projects. Egypt also has plenty of actual experience in this field. The study aimed to clarify the constraints and procedures that the administrative body shall abide by while practicing its administrative activity of making contracts between public and private sectors in order to keep its actions properly in with the conditions of law considering that those procedures and constraints are different from the procedures to be followed in the administrative contract made according to tenders auctions law. The key problem addressed herein is to identify the extent of authority given to the administrative body to make partnership contracts between the public and private sectors through researching and investigating the main principles and limitations that the administrative body shall adhere to while forming a contractual relationship of partnership with the public and private sectors, as well as investigating the legal procedures that shall be followed by the administration while entering this kind of contracts, whether they are preliminary or final procedures drafted by the legislator. The study subject was addressed in two chapters preceded by an introduction. The introduction investigated the definition of making partnership contracts between the public and private sectors. The first chapter addressed the general conditions of making contracts between the public and private sectors. Then, the second chapter addressed the legal procedures for making contracts between the public and private sectors. All of that was conducted using the descriptive-analytical and comparative approaches. The study was concluded with a number of results and recommendations.
Arabic abstract
تناولت هذه الدراسة موضوع سلطة جهة الإدارة في إبرام عقود الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص في التشريع العماني، ومقارنتها التشريع المصري؛ كونه من أوائل التشريعات العربية التي نظمت عقود الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص بنصوص خاصة وذلك بموجب القانون رقم 67 لسنة 2010م بشأن تنظيم مشاركة القطاع الخاص في مشروعات البنية الأساسسة والمرافق العامة
Theses and Dissertations