
صورة المرأة بين جبران خليل جبران وحسين جاويد : (دراسة مقارنة).

Other titles
Image of woman between Gibran Khalil Gibran and Huseyn Javid (comparative study)
جامعة السلطان قابوس.
English abstract
This study aims to investigate the image of woman in the narrative works of the Lebanese writer Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) and the theatrical works of the Azerbaijani writer Huseyn Javid (1882-1941). The two writers followed a similar path in facilitating their goals. Each of them defended woman's lost rights in the family and society, and the factors for preserving the strong relationship between man and woman. In this regard, the study chose the stories of "Marta Al-Baniah", "Warda Al-Hani", "Khalil Al-Kafir" and the novel "The Broken Wings" by Gibran Khalil Gibran, and the plays "The Mother", "Maral" and "Afat" by Huseyn Javid. The study relies on the American School's approach to comparative literature, using some historical, social, political, and cultural data and facts. This study undertakes a parallel between incidents and phenomena to extract similarities and points of matching on the one hand and to define aspects of difference and contrast on the other hand between the images of woman mentioned in the works of these two writers, as each of them lived in two different environments in terms of social, political and cultural aspects in the same period. The two writers presented the image of woman according to the archetypes that represent the models which are hidden in all human consciousness; explaining the archetypal images of woman in all her manifestations that woman can be. The study shows the personal position of the two writers and their visions in various subjects that coincide with the romantic way, and it also searches for the method used by each of the writers in the artistic structure of the studied works.
Arabic abstract
تهدف هذه الدّراسة إلى تتبّع صورة المرأة في الاعمال القصصيّة للكاتب اللبناني جبران خليل جبران (1883-1931) والأعمال المسرحية للكاتب الأذربيجاني حسين جاويد (1882-1941) سلك الأديبان طريقا مشابها في تيسير أهدافهما .وقد قام كل منهما بالدفاع عن الحقوق الضائعة للمرأة في الأسرة والمجتمع.
Theses and Dissertations

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حبيب، عبدالله.
جريدة عمان.
Theses and Dissertations
الغريبية, زكية بنت ناصر بن راشد.
جامعة نزوى.