
تقويم القصص المتضمنة في كتب القراءة بالحلقة الأولى من مرحلة التعليم الأساسي بسلطنة عمان في ضوء معايير قصص الأطفال.

جامعة السلطان قابوس
English abstract
The investigation was aimed to evaluate the stories given to students of first circle in Basic Education in respect to the criteria for children stories through response to the following questions: 1. What are the criteria of children stories to be followed when selecting the stories included in the students reading books of the first circle of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman? 2. Up to what degree are these criteria currently available in the given stories for the students of the first circle of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman? 3. What is the suggested concept for the contents of the given stories for students of the first circle of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman? To respond to question 1, the researcher reviewed previous Arabic and English studies, as well as literature related to the study. He concluded 83 criteria and presented them to 43 referees. Thirty three criteria were chosen in order to select the stories. To answer to question 2, the researcher transformed list of the criteria to story content analysis card. He then proofed validity of the analysis by applying it to five stories. He utilized another analyzer to analyze them and conclude coefficient of variance. He then analyzed population of the study; to realize the availability of criteria within. To answer question 3, collected a large number of children-directed stories from various sources. He selected 52 stories and distributed them to the class of the first circle of Basic Education. He then presented the suggested content to 15 referees to select the best eight stories for classes of the first round. Major conclusions of the study 1. The study found 33 criteria of children stories that should be followed when selecting first circle student stories of Basic Education in term of content, language, style, form, and art direction. 2. It found that the number of given stories for first circle classes of Basic Education 4. 6. are scarce compared to other topics in reading books. 3. It is apparent that story content was more considerate of language criteria and style, followed by art direction and form criteria; however, poor consideration was given to content criteria. It was noted that content criteria availability medians were average in the three classes. The highest median was in fourth basic class (0.95), least in second basic class (0.70), median for the availability of these criteria at three classes amounted to (0.80). These are below the required average. It was noted that language and style criteria availability medians were high in the three classes. The highest median was in fourth basic class (1.85), least in second basic (1.42). The median for these criteria in all three classes was (1.66), these are high averages. It was noted that form art and art direction availability medians were high in the three classes. The highest was in second basic class (1.55), least in fourth basic (1.43). The median for the availability of these criteria at three classes was (1.48), these are high averages. 7. The study concluded on the status of suggested content for the first circle student stories of Basic Education in light of stories selection criteria that were concluded in this study. The suggested content is made up of 32 stories in its final form averaging 8 stories for every class from first round classes of basic education. The study concluded the some of the following recommendations: 1. Review stories content given to the student of this stage, whereas consideration is given to the availability of criteria reached by this study. 2. Continuation of scientific researches and analytical, field, and practical studies that deal with studying children school books. 3. Involvement of experienced Omani writers in writing children-oriented stories in the preparation of school book for the student at this stage. Utilization of stories suggested content that was concluded in this study by the on setters of books for this stage and those developing it.
Arabic abstract
هدفت الدراسة إلى تقويم القصص المقررة على تلاميذ الحلقة الأولى من التعليم الأساسي في ضوء معايير قصص الأطفال من خلال الإجابة عن الأسئلة التالية: ١- ما معايير قصص الأطفال التي يجب أن تراعى عند اختيار القصص التي تضمن في كتب القراءة المقررة على تلاميذ صفوف الحلقة الأولى من مرحلة التعليم الأساسي بسلطنة عمان؟
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