Type 2 diabetes and its characteristics during Ramadan in Dhahira region, Oman.
Mirakhur, Anoop., Author
Abo El-Magd, Karim Mahmoud., Author
Abo El-Matty, Abdel Nasser., Author
Al-Ghafriyah, Dalal., Author
Oman Medical Specialty Board.
English abstract
Objective: The main objective of this study is to illustrate the various characteristics including care of patients and changes in lifestyle of type 2 diabetics during Ramadan in Dhahira region, Oman. Methods: This was a hospital-based study conducted during the month of Ramadan in 2006. Of the 453 recruited, 334 (73.7%) with complete data were analyzed. Student t test was used for comparison of means and Chi-square test for proportions. Results: We analyzed 334 patients with type 2 diabetes. The common complication associated with diabetes was coronary artery disease (19.5%) and nearly 60% of the study subjects had hypertension as co-morbidity. There was little or no change in the lifestyle activities and Insulin/Oral AntiDiabetic Drug (OAD) doses during Ramadan. Majority of diabetics had poorly controlled Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) and Body Mass Index (BMI). The overall mean weight change was -0.49 ± 1.54 SD. There was a significant weight loss during Ramadan (p<0.05). Conclusion: The large proportions of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes patients in our region represent a challenge to our physicians during Ramadan. There is a need to improve diabetic management and intensive education before fasting. Clear guidelines for diabetic management including uncontrolled diabetics during Ramadan are essential in Oman.
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Patel, Prakash, Mirakhur, Anoop Abo El-Magd, Karim Mahmoud, Abo El-Matty, Abdel Nasser,& Al-Ghafriyah, Dala (2007) .Type 2 diabetes and its characteristics during Ramadan in Dhahira region, Oman Medical Journal, 22 (3), 11-15.
Journal articles