Type section of the triassic bódvalenke limestone formation (Rudabánya Hills, NE hungary) - the northwesternmost occurrence of a neotethyan deep water facies.
DOI: 10.1556/CEuGeol.53.2010.2-3.2
Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
English abstract
The geologic key section at the northwestern margin of the village of Bódvalenke represents the stratotype of the Triassic Bódvalenke Limestone Formation and can be considered as the type section of the Bódva Unit of the Rudabánya Hills. The age of the exposed part of the formation in the type section ranges from the Late Anisian (Gondolella constricta cornuta partial range zone) to the early Late Carnian (Gondolella polygnathiformis interval zone). Its typical variety consists of purplish red to pinkish, strongly chertified, thinly-bedded micritic limestone, with frequent intercalations of mmthick purplish red shale layers and whitish-gray coquina beds. These beds are made up of tiny shells of Posydonia-like juvenile bivalves, often showing gradation. This deep water facies represents the transition between Hallstatt Limestone and red radiolarite. This facies type occurs from Oman via southern Turkey throughout the western ophiolite belt of the Hellenides-Dinarides until the Zagorje region in NW Croatia. Its northernmost, displaced occurrence is known in the Rudabánya Hills, NE Hungary, from where the type section is described and illustrated herein.
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