فاعلية برنامج إرشادي جمعي لتنمية الثقة بالنفس لطلاب المرحلة الأساسية في ولاية العامرات.
الأخزمية, عبير بنت شامس بن سيف.
English abstract
The effectiveness of a group counseling program on developing student's self-confidence at a basic school in Al Amerat The study was implemented on 36 male and female students. The study was first per- tested on 18 students. However the actual sample was 36 students. half of them were included in experimental group and the other half were included in the control group.
The study used self-confidence scale which consisted of (37) items and the counseling program.
The results showed there was significant differences between control group and experimental group in self-confidence in postconsonantal there is significant differences between the per-test and post test in self – confidence among experiment group.
There also no the absence of significant differences in self-confidence dues to Gender and class.