English abstract
This study aimed at examining the effect of using supplementary readings in teaching history on Achievement and Retention of second secondary grade female students. The sample consisted of (135) second secondary female students. The sample was divided into two groups: The experimental group which was taught using supplementary reading, consisted of (69) students. The second group was the control group which was taught by the normally used methods, consisted of (66) students.
To gather the information, test consisted of (50) items was used. The validity of the test was established through repeated reviews by different judges. In the light of their reviews the test was re-written. The reliability was determined through Chronbach's Alpha coefficient for internal consistency which gave the value of (0.84). The statistical analysis of the post test showed there were significant differences between the group means at (a = 0.01) level due to treatment in favor of the experimental group. and the statistical analysis of the retention test showed there were significant differences between the groups at (a = 0.01) level also in favor of the experimental group. Finally, in light of the results of this study, the researcher made several recommendations in the field of curricula, teachers and teaching methods.