English abstract
This study aimed to identify the reality of supervisory practices in the faculties of applied sciences in the Sultanate of Oman from the point of view of the workers The researcher used the descriptive approach in the study, The study population is composed of all employees of the faculties of applied sciences in the Sultanate of Oman for the academic year 2016-2017, according to the official statistics (600). The sample consisted of (288) college employees.
One of the main findings of this study is that the axis of the constraints of the control reality is ranked as first as compared to other axis. Plus, the axis of the control's success and development demands gained a huge and average approval since there was a unanimous agreement from the part of the sample individuals to the significance of the success and development of the control methods in applied science colleges in the Sultanate according to their employees. The fact that there is no statistical differences at the level of function (0.05 < a) in all study's axis is attributed to the gender and job variables. However, there is statistical differences at the level of the function (0.05<a) in the axis of the administrative control fields that are attributed to the group (above 10 years) years of expertise.