English abstract
The study aimed at evaluating civic education textbooks taught at the Middle Schools in the Sultanate of Oman for citizenship characteristics.
To answer the questions of the study the researcher prepared a list of citizenship characteristics that should be included in these textbooks. The list was derived from educational literatures, previous studies and the philosophy, aims and principles of the Omani Educational system and Society. The list was examined for validity by a number of specialists in the field. The final version of the list consists of (64) items arranged into four domains: political, social, economic, and legal.
The researcher analyzed the civic education textbooks using the Content Analysis technique, using the idea as a unit of analysis, wither it was expressed explicitly or implicitly in a statement or presented in a picture, a chart or a map.
The results:
1. A list of citizenship characteristics that should be included in civic education textbooks.
2. Citizenship characteristics are not distributed equally in these textbooks: first grade (42) characteristics, second grade (43) characteristics, and third grade (15) characteristics. As for the frequencies of these characteristics came as follows: 34%, 54%, and 12% respectively.
3.The analysis results showed statistically significant differences in the distribution of characteristics among the three grades in favor of second grade.