English abstract
The current study aimed at standardizing the FRTVMI and examining its psychometric properties. The sample consisted of 1213 students in grades 7-12. The reliability was estimated using internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha), test- retest, and Inter-scorer reliability. The reliability values were (0.89), (0.63) and (0.71-0.78) respectively, reflecting acceptable reliability estimates. To examine the FRTVMI validity used three methods: Face Validity, Criterion related Validity, and Construct Validity. To estimate Criterion related Validity, the correlation was calculated between the FRTVMI and Background Interference Procedure for The Bander- Gestalt Test, results showed statistically significant negative correlation with Interference Procedure and Normal Background (p< 0.05). The results of Construct Validity showed that the FRTVMI differentiated between two groups (typically developing students and students with intellectual disability) and between students in different grades. In addition, the results showed that the correlation between FRTVMI and Raven Progressive Matrices was significantly positive (r= 0.46, p< 0.05). Finally, grades and gender specific percentiles ranks were derived as norms for raw scores. Implications for the study are discussed in terms of the need for adequate assessment instruments for use in the Sultanate of Oman and the benefits of using FRTVMI in Oman.