فاعلية برنامج ارشاد جمعي باستخدام السيكودراما في تنمية الهوية المهنية لدى طلبة الصف التاسع بمحافظة مسقط
المعولية،, ماريا بنت سعيد بن عبد الله.
English abstract
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a group counseling program to develop career identity using psychodrama techniques among grade nine students in Muscat Governorate. The study sample included 60 students in grade nine divided into two groups: 30 students as an experimental and 30 students as a control group. The experimental group had undergone the group counseling program. The instrument career identity scale. The results showed there were significant differences between the average response of the experimental and the control group in the per-experiment implementation in favor of the experimental group. The results also revealed that there are no significant differences for the effect of interaction between the gender and experimental group, on the identity scale. Also, there is statistical differences between the post-test and follow up test suggesting the effectiveness of the program. The results were discussed, and recommendations and suggestion were given based on findings.