دور الأخصائي الاجتماعي في مواجهة المشكلات السلوكية بالمجال المدرسي: دراسة مطبقة على طلاب الصفوف من (7-9) بمحافظة مسقط
النوفلي،, حمود بن خميس بن حمد.
English abstract
This thesis investigates the significant role of school social workers in supporting young students with behavioural problems. Its focus is only on those students who are in 7-9 classes in Muscat region. The study aims to introduce the size, types and causes of the behavioural problems; it is also aims to raise the vital role of school social workers towards these problems. The key assumption is that there is a substantial negative effect of the behavioural problems on the learning ability of those students. This descriptive study uses different methods including questionnaires, interviews, observation and data analysis. It explores the views of twenty six school social workers about behavioural problems; it also to explore the opinions of 178 young students about those problems: the study analysed twenty three case studies with behavioural problems too. The Results of the study are: 1. There is an increasing amount of behavioural problems among students. .2. Lies and physical abuse were the main aspects of the behavioural problems. 3. School social workers do not have an action plan to help students with behavioural problems. 4. School social workers face considerable difficulties in helping young students with behavioural problems; unhelpful parents or families was the main difficulty they encounter. 5. School social workers lack training which should improve their ability to help students who need their support; they recommend a student education committee too. 6. The study designed a professional and special guide that will hopefully, help school social workers to support young students with behavioural problems