أثر برنامج الإشراف الإلكتروني في تنمية التفكير التأملي والممارسات الصفية لدى الطلبة معلمي العلوم بكلية التربية في جامعة السلطان قابوس
البحراني،, عبد المجيد بن حسين بن محمد.
English abstract
This study aimed at investigating the effect of e-supervision program in developing reflective thinking and teaching practice skills of science teachers in the College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University. The sample of the study consisted of (40) preservice science teachers (17) male and (23) females from the College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University (2007 / 2008). Based on Kember et al (2000) scale, the researcher developed a scale consisted of (20) items which reflects different aspects of reflective thinking; and he also developed an observation card that consisted of (20) items and that was used for observing the preservice science teachers practices. Furthermore, the researcher designed an e-supervision site to achieve the goal of this thesis. The reliability coefficient of the scale and the observation card were (0.81) and (0.82) respectively.
The results indicated that the e-supervision significantly developed preservice science teachers' reflective thinking in the total score of the reflective thinking scale and in both first and second levels of the reflective thinking. However, there were no significant differences with respect of both the third and the fourth level of reflective thinking. The results also revealed that the e-supervision significantly enhanced preservice science teachers' practices and that their practices differed depending on their reflective thinking level in favor of student teachers with high level of reflective thinking. Based on these results, the study recommends that it is important to employ both e-supervision and reflective thinking practices in the preservice science teachers program and it shows the need to design a program for preservice science teachers depending on reflective theories.