English abstract
The present study aimed at identifying the level of tourism awareness of teachers of social studies and the statistically significant differences in this level of tourism awareness that can be attributed to the variables of sex, major, educational zone and experience. Two research instruments were specially designed for the purpose of this study. The first one was a test of tourism information that consisted of 35 multiple questions to measure the cognitive domain. The second instrument was called a "Measure of Tourism Awareness," which was based on a questionnaire consisted of 24 items to measure the affective domain. . The instrument was submitted to a number of jury members to establish its validity. Its reliability was also established and the reliability co-efficient value was 0.89 for cognitive and 0.80 to affective. The instrument were administered to a randomly chosen sample consisting of 144 and secondary teachers in Dofar, Al-Batina North and Al Dahira South . The following were the major findings of the study: .
1. Teachers of social studies posses a moderate level of tourism awareness.
2. The level of tourism awareness was high for 18.8%, moderate for 50.7%, and low for 30.6%.
3. There were no statistically significant differences in the level of tourism awareness that could be attributed to the variables of sex, major, educational zone, experience. 4. There were a statistically significant difference in the level of tourism awareness between the affective domain and the cognitive domain in favor of the former. A number of recommendations were made:
1. Teachers need to be provided with educational kits and booklets related to tourism in Oman. 2. Programs aiming at raising teachers' tourism awareness should be made available. 3. Social studies curricula should include topics that serve tourism in Oman by using different approaches such as the environmental approach in teaching these topics.