English abstract
The study aimed to identify commitment degree of basic education
schools (5-9) teachers to education proffessional ethics in Batinah north
governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. To achieve this, the researcher used
the descriptive method, and collected the data from the sample using a
questionnaire consisting of 60 items with 6 categories of teaching ethics:
Teacher ethics with his profession, Teacher ethics with his administrators,
Teacher ethics with his students, Teacher ethics with his colleagues,
Teacher ethics with the community and parents, and Teacher ethics with
his specialization.
The population of the study consisted of all headmasters and senior
teachers in Batinah north in basic education schools (5-9) which amounted
of 502 individuals. The sample of the study included (256) individuals which
represented 50% of the population. The study sample was chosen using
convenience sampling which is one type of non_probablity sampling.
The study revealed a number of results. Firstly, the study sample
who are showed that basic education schools (5-9) teachers were
committed to the ethics of the teaching profession with a high overall mean
value (4.23) in all of the questionnaires categories.
Secondly, regarding the effect of the study variables, which are gender, job
title, qualification and work experience, to the degree of commitment of
basic education school (5-9) teachers are as followed:
- There are statistically significant differences at level (≤0.05) in the
study sample responses in terms of gender in three categories:
teacher ethics with his profession, teacher ethics with his colleagues
and teacher ethics with his specialization in favor of female
- There are no statistically significant differences at level ( ≤0.05) in
the study sample responses according to the job title as headmistress
or senior teacher in each category as well as in the overall mean
score of all categories.
- There are no statistically significant differences at level ( ≤0.05) in
the study sample responses according to the work experience in all
of the questionnaires categories.
In the light of the results of this study and the subsequent discussions and
interpretations, a number of recommendations are highlighted that could
raise the commitment of basic education schools (5-9) teachers to teaching
ethics in Batinah north governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. They are as
- To work hard to complete the national framework for education in the
Sultanate which includes the charter of the teaching ethics and
professional licenses for teachers.
- to introduce courses on the teaching ethics in the curricula of
education colleges.
- to provide financial promotion and improve the social status of the
teachers, which could contribute to improve their profession ethics.