English abstract
The main objective of the current study was to identify the reality of the role of educational supervision in identifying and nurturing high achievers and to present a suggested proposal to develop the role of educational supervision in identifying and nurturing the high achievers in public schools in the Sultanate of Oman. This is through specifying roles for the headmasters, senior teachers and educational supervisors for identifying and nurturing the high achievers.
To achieve the study aims, the descriptive approach was used to analyze the literature and a questionnaire of (49) items which were classified into four domains: the role of headmaster in identifying and nurturing high achievers, the role of senior teacher in identifying and nurturing high achievers, the role of educational supervisor in identifying and nurturing high achievers. The sample of the study consisted of (704) teachers from schools grades (5-12) selected from three governorates (Muscat, Sharqia North and Dakhelya).
The results indicated that was an acceptable degree of consent among the respondents in the reality of the role education supervision in nurturing high achievers. The results also showed there was not any significant differences among the respondents attributable to the gender or educational governorates. The study findings also indicate the significant differences in the type of school variable in favor of schools of grades (10-12) for the school headmasters.
Finally, based on the literature, some countries experience and study findings, a suggested proposal was prepared to develop the role of educational supervision in identifying and nurturing the high achievers in public schools in the Sultanate of Oman included aims, obstacles and solutions to solve them.