السرد في القصة العمانية المعاصرة : 2000-2010م.
اليعربي, خليفة بن خلفان بن يعرب.
English abstract
Narration of short stories is considered a newly born art in both Arabic and Gulf Countries and specially in Oman. The beginning of story narration in Oman are newly born as the real beginnings goes back to the beginnings of the eighteenth of the last century as most common critical approaches when Ahmed Bin-Bilal issued his collection entitled "Soor AL-Manaya".
All though its beginnings were relatively new compared to the neighboring -countries--but-the-nineteenth- and the beginning-of-the-recent-decade -have.... witnessed a heavy production of stories due to many reasons; some of them are; spreading of university graduates, cultural and media openness over the outside world. Inspite of his massive narrative production, he didn't get the chance to get the suitable academic study he deserves. This is the beginning point of this research to bring to light this production throughout an analytical and descriptive syllabus. This study also came to show in particular on side of narration of short stories to be included in the contemporary story production in Oman which forms the start point for many researches that may appear within few years.