English abstract
This study aims at identifying the counseling needs of the elite players at the Sultanate of Oman in the individual and groups games. It also aims at stating
their importance priority and identifying the different counseling needs of the
study population in regards to: the educational level (elementary school, K12,
Diploma, bachelor and more); the game: group games (football, basket ball,
volleyball, Hokey) individual games (athlete, swimming, tennis); age: (less than
20 years and less- 21-25, 26-and more ); martial status(married, bachelor);
monthly income (100 to 200 OMR and less, 200 to 300 OMR and less, 300OMR
and more). The researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of 59 needs
distributed into 5 areas: the need to work, the need to continue their study, the
need for interaction and social reaction, the need for respect and appreciation,
and the need for success. This questionnaire was conducted on 136 players from
the national teams after checking the reliability and validity of it. The results of
the study has indicated the most important counseling needs for the elite players
which is; to provide some information on the jobs available in the market, where
the less important need is to guide me to the way of innovation as a player. The
result has shown as well that the most important counseling needs for the elite
players in the group games is (to guide me on organizing my study time), where
(guide me to the way of innovation as a player) was the most less important
counseling need. The most important counseling need in the individual game for the elite players is (to provide some information on the jobs available in the
market), where the less important one for them is (guide me to the way of
innovation as a player). The results indicated that the order of the counseling
needs areas is as follows: the need to work, the need for interaction and social
reaction, the need to continue their study, the need for success. The result also
shown that there some significant statistical differences in the counseling needs
due to the variable of the differences of the educational level that was for the
benefit of the bachelor holders. The results also indicated that there is no
significant statistical differences among elite players in group games and those
in individual games in the needs that are related to the variables of the game, age
or social status. The findings indicated that there are significant statistical
differences in the counseling needs for the variable of monthly income for those
with 300 Rails and more income. According to the findings of this study we
have come up with a number of recommendations and suggestions.