المرونة الأكاديمية وعلاقتها بالعبء المعرفي للتعلم لدى طلبة جامعة السلطان قابوس بسلطنة عمان.
البلوشية, أسماء بنت علي بن عبد الله.
English abstract
The current study aimed to identify the relationship of academic resilience
with the cognitive load of learning among students of Sultan Qaboos
University in the Sultanate of Oman. To achieve this goal. the study sought
identifying the level of academic resilience. the cognitive load of learning.
and the nature of the relationship between academic resilience and the
cognitive load of learning. then explaining the differences attributed to the
variable of gender in both academic resilience and cognitive load. Thus.
the study revealed the contribution of academic resilience's dimensions in
predicting the cognitive load of learning. The sample of the study
consisted of (240) male and female students from the Faculty of Education
at Sultan Qaboos University. This study depended on the descriptive
correlative method. To achieve the study's objectives. the researcher used
Academic Resilience Scale and Cognitive load Scale. The suitability for
the Arab-Omani environment has been verified. The results showed a high
level for the study sample in the following aspects: Academic resilience
and the cognitive load of learning. The study also showed a significant
positive correlation between the overall score of academic resilience and
the overall score of the cognitive load of learning. There are also
significant differences between males and females in the overall score of
academic resilience and (perseverance) dimension in favor of the total
female population. The results showed no significant differences between
males and females in the dimensions of (emotional response. and
academic help-seeking). There are also significant differences between
males and females in the overall score of the cognitive load of learning
and the dimension of (Intrinsic Cognitive Load) in favor of the total female
population while showing no significant differences between males and
females in the dimensions of (extraneous cognitive load. germane
cognitive load. and academic help-seeking). Moreover. (Perseverance.
and academic help-seeking) contribute to predicting the cognitive load of