أثر التمكين القيادي على السلوك الإبداعي للعاملين في الجامعات الخاصة بسلطنة عمان : الدور الوسيط للمناخ التنظيمي.
البرواني، حمد بن محمد بن ناصر.
English abstract
This study aimed to identify employees' level of empowering
leadership in Omani private universities. It also aimed to measure the
degree of its impact on the creative behavior of employees throughout the
organizational climate. Moreover, it examined the level of employee creative
behavior and the level of awareness workers have regarding the
organizational climate at their workplace.
The descriptive-analytical approach was used in conducting the
study. The population represented all administrative and academic staff in
private universities in Oman. The data was collected from a sample of (227)
The most important finding of this study is the existence of a positive
relationship between empowering leadership and both organizational
climate and employee creative behavior in Omani private universities. The
results also showed a mediating role of organizational climate between
empowering leadership and employee creative behavior .
Considering the current study's findings, the study recommended involving
workers in decision-making that affects their work and the need to give
the employee confidence and continuous encouragement to find out how
to deal with work difficulties and emergency problems.