Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences (JAMS), v. 29, no. 2, p. 64-79.
English abstract
Our study examines the condition of sustainable development in Omani fisheries industry, with specific
focus on the extent to which the fishing companies practice sustainable fishing that meets the objective of food secu
rity. We also detect, characterize, and analyze the compliance of the fishing companies with the principles of social,
economic, and environmental sustainability. Using 55 completed questionnaires of 70 surveyed operating fishing
companies, a multivariate general linear model was used to determine the impact of economic and environmental
factors on achieving sustainability, and domestic demand of fisheries sector in Oman. Our results revealed that more
than 63% of companies believed that sustainability is extremely important in the fisheries industry, and around 42%
of the companies 'strongly agree' that Oman meets its domestic demand from its own harvest. The model displayed
significant effects of the amount of production for local consumption, climate change adaptation, and water waste ma
nagement on improving sustainability of the fisheries sector. Analysis also confirmed significant effects on the amount
of production for local consumption, amount of production for export, and using technology to locate stock on ena
bling the country to meet its domestic demand through its own harvest. We conclude by arguing that our findings have
important implications for managing production in terms of food security and safeguarding domestic consumption.