English abstract
The effect of processing methods on the proximate composition and consumer's acceptability of yellow croakers were investigated. The experiment followed a completely randomized design with several processing methods. Frozen yellow croaker fish of 12 kg were purchased, cut into chunks, divided into 4 groups of 3 kg each, each group was salted and then subjected to different processing methods including: air drying in the sun, deep-frying, solar drying and smoking. After processing, the products were subjected to organoleptic assessment using an hedonic scale while the proximate composition was determined using standard experimental procedures. The results of this study indicated that the odour and flavour of smoked fish product were significantly (p < 0.01) preferred by consumers. Solar dried fish product had highest percentage crude protein (71.45 kg/100 kg sample) followed by smoked fish product (70.43 kg/100 kg sample) while smoked fish product had the highest crude ash (10.73 kg/100 kg sample). The study suggested that it was better to process quality yellow croaker using solar dryers and smokers to attract customers.