English abstract
During these past two years, the whole world was forced to change the global
pedagogical approach to adapt with this new way of teaching and learning. Actually,
we became prepared to the virtual system. In Lebanon, the financial situation added
a much more complexity to the online educational problems, which called for an
immediate pedagogical action to improve learning, propose new opportunities and to
challenge new practices to promote a better teaching quality.
Many research shows the importance for a better sustainable development education
(SDE), locally and internationally. And based on Gibran Khalil Gibran's quote "music
is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife", we
can understand the significance of music in our life, as well as its implication in the
educational system. This emphasizes the need and the positive social effect of music
education on students. However, some Lebanese schools don't have musical courses
in their program, and others removed it from their schedule to lighten the program
and reduce the expenses, while the rest saved it even online. This highlights the
necessity for the music education within an SDE approach. Therefore, the main
question is: How can music education help in building a better life based on an active
citizen to reach sustainable development goals? Can music education preserve culture
and conserve identity?
This paper highlights the significance/influence of music education for a sustainable
development from a social approach, by building bridges throw songs between SDE,
culture and identity, while respecting the Lebanese diversity.