English abstract
This study aims to shed light on a literary type which was not deeply looked at i.e. (Al Maqama "Verse" in the Omani Literature) as the research selection in this side was based on the gist of the subject without wider elaboration. The study meant to cover this subject from the various following aspects: First: the study focused on the detailed Omani (Maqama) and its owners counting on what have been made available of relevant translations. The orderly historical method was the method of this study, which also discussed the primary start-ups of this literary type based on the opinions of some researchers. The study also went in this side to prove the literary of the Maqama (Verse), which despite stopping in some other Arab background, it continued in the Omani literary background. Second: the study focused on personalities in Omani Maqama and tried to provide a vision on the personality of each Maqamna indicating the imagination and reality in featuring the personality as well as the areas of difference and similarity of the Omanis Mamams themselves from one side, and of those who wrote in this art like Al Hamzani and Al Hariri based on the comparative component. Third: The study also covered the two components of time and place in order to make use of some varieties provided by researchers on the contemporary concept of time and place in the literary work. The study also tried to utilize from these varieties within the two components of time and place in Omani Maqama based on which the time was divided into internal time and external time while the place was also split to general place and special place. The study mainly attributed this split, in addition to the earlier varieties, to the Maqama itself and the implications of some of its expressions. Fourth: the study dealt with the artistic side in the Omani Maqama.. in this context, it covered the form of Maqama which proved to be similar in most of the Omani Maqama, not only this, but the form structure of the Omani Maqama was almost same like those of Al Hamazani and Al Hariri. The language used in the study proved that Al Hawaria is the best to highlight in the Maqama, and usually this Hawariya are between the novelist and the hero and is in more than a position. As regards the rhetorical beautifiers, the study also covered looked deeply at the Maqama components of rhyme and resemblance. In this context, the study sought to establish whether the Maqama is a type of the short story or not?. The study managed to deal with the varieties of the short story and compare them with varieties of the Maqama. The study concluded that despite the story literature and Maqama literature meet in some components, the Maqama cannot be considered as a short story, but an independent literary type.