English abstract
The Present Survey research has particularly aimed at the evaluation of the training Coures for the teachers of Islamic Education in the first cycle of the Basic Education Stage within the score of their training needs and through the elicited response to the following enquiries. 1. What are the educational needs for the teachers of Islamic education in the first cycle of the Basic education stage in the opinion of the teachers and the inspectors ? 2. Do the training needs for the teachers of Islamic educatinon in the first cycle of the Basic education stage differ with regard to the opinion of the Basic education
stage differ with regard to the opinion of the teachers and inspectors? 3. To What extent do the training courses meet the educational needs for the teachers of Islamic education of the first cycle in the Basic Education ? In response to the first enquiry, the researcher has applied aquestionnaire for identifying the training needs of the teachers of Islamic education in the first cycle of the Basic education stage. The questionnaire covered the Five areas of planning, lesson presentation, the professional growth and Communication skills .
In response to the second enquiry, the researcher has applied T- Test to identify the presence of any difference of statistical nature among The teachers and the inspectors in the determining of the training needs for the teachers of Islamic education in the first cycle of the Basic education stage
In response the third enquiry, the researcher has assessed the training Courses through the measuring factor obtained from the questionnaire of the teachers and the inspectors. The following were the results of the study : 1. All training needs are in the reaching tool its number ( 46 ) training needs
considered as important. 2. There are differences of statistical nature among the teachers and the inspectors of the Islamic education in the first cycle of the Basic education stage in determining the training needs in favour of the inspectors in the planning domains and the communication skills and the professional growth and the tool as all while differences with statistical indication between teacher and the inspectors did not find the contact communication skills and the professional
growth and the Basic education. 3. The training Courses were more concerned with the special needs in the planning area , Communication and professional growth skills were less observed by the training Courses.
The - survey research has been concluded with several proposals and the most import ones are as hereunder:
The necessity of designing the training programs for the teachers of the Islamic education in the first cycle of the Basic education stage in accordance with their training needs. 2. The training programs for the teacher of Islamic education in the first cycle of Basic education stage should fows on providing the teachers with the requirements which the survey research proved as being hot observed in the training programs.