English abstract
The study aimed at to exploring the extent of including Human Rights concept in Social Studies text book for grades (3-12) in the Sultanate of Oman. To answer the study's questions, the researcher compiled a list for the Human Rights concepts that should be included in the Social text books. The content of the list was parted after going through many previous studies and researches that cared about human rights and Social Studies Subject's Objectives. After that, the researcher presents the list to numbers of moderators to give their opinions on it. Finally the final list has been reached and it concludes (44 rights) distributed on three fields which are: Political and Civil Rights, Educational and Cultural Rights and Economical and Social Rights.
Through the list, the researcher analyses the Social Studies text books contents for grades (3-12) to limits the direct and hidden Human Rights concepts that come in the books, taking into consideration that the researcher takes the idea as a guide for analyzing. The researcher also uses another analyst to analyze 55.8% random samples from the study and the researcher herself also analyzed the same sample. As a result, the average of the agreement between the analyst's and research's analysis present of 81%. The study reached many result: - list of Human Rights concepts that should be included in Social Studies text books for grades (3-12) - All the rights mentioned in the list have been included in the text books but in different degrees. • The human rights have not been distributed equally in the Social Studies text books. Furthermore they are not mentioned straightly. - The Educational and Cultural concepts received the highest parentage of repetition and inclusion in the school text books.
Through the result, the study has reached many recommendations and many suggestions about the study's subject.