English abstract
The aim of this study is to identify the behavioral intention of academics in the college of science toward knowledge sharing by appling the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) through determining the effect of Interinsic and Exterinsic Motivations, Barriers of knowledge sharing and Organisational Climate. The data collected through a quantitative method. It consisted of a structured questionnaire that contained 75 statements on 4 themes representing the study variables (Interinsic and Exterinsic Motivations, Barriers of knowledge sharing, Organisational Climate and Behavioral Intention towards knowledge sharing). The questionnaire distributed to 158 academic members at the College of Science in Sultan Qaboos University; 84 valid questionnaires were returned. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to facilitate the process of analyzing the collected data; and two quantitative analysis techniques were derived to analyze the data collected: descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The descriptive analysis included frequencies, percentages, and standard deviations. The inferential analysis included One-Way ANOVA and Standard multiple linear regression.
According to Peasron's correlation results, a significant correlation was found between Behavioral Intention and the following variables (SelfEsteem, competitive advantage, trust, commuincation, leadership support, and communication information technology). However, using the standard multiple linear regression analysis, no direct relationship was found between the Interinsic and Exterinsic Motivations, Barriers of knowledge sharing and Organisational Climate with the Behavioral Intention although, if there is any affect it was very little. Finally, the study sets a group of recommendations which include the development of a clear system of financial and moral rewards to promote and encourage academics to share knowledge. It was also recommended to increase the attention to build a strong relationship between academics and between the college administration to achieve the vision and goals of the university in general and the college in specific.