English abstract
The study aims at identifying the level of the teaching performance of Islamic Education teachers in grades 7 to 12. Also, it aims at finding out the impact of teachers' self-esteem, gender of the teacher and the teaching experience on the teaching performance. The study sample was 40 Islamic studies teachers (male and female) from Batinah Region, South. To achieve the aim of the study, the researcher used two tools. First, a self-esteem measurement designed by the researcher. This tool has been checked for validity and reliability. The reliability coefficient Alfa Cronback was (0.90). The second tool was an observation card prepared by the Department of Curriculum at Sultan Qaboos University. Its reliability was checked by the agreement observers and was measured by Pearson Coefficient which was (0.87).
The study arrived to the following important findings:
- Generally the level of the performance of the Islamic Studies teachers was average where the medium percentage was 74.06%.
- The best performance of the subjects or the participants was in the lesson questions section, in which the medium percentage was (86.65%). The participation and communication came second with a medium of (86.10%).
- The weakest performance was in the conclusion section, whose medium was (52.63%), followed by the warming-up section (52.92%). The level of the self-esteem of study sample was good where it scored (76,95%).
-The emergence of differences of statistical significance in the teaching performance is due to the level of self-esteem in regard to its intellectual aspect. Female teachers scored higher than male teachers in teaching performance due
to gender difference.
- There are statistical differences between male and female teachers in each aspect of the teaching performance except the conclusion. This difference is in favour of the female teachers. According to the above findings the researcher recommends the following: ii - A remedial training programme to develop the teaching competencies of
Islamic studies teachers should be set up. - Male teachers should be selected carefully and provided with on service training