English abstract
I have Addressed in this study one of the modern textual linguistic topics, which is the Anaphora and its role in the cohesion of the text. I chose addressing the pronouns because they are a linguistic phenomenon exist in all the texts for the reason that theirs tools connect the parts of the text. They also connect the separate sentences in a cohesive text to successfully deliver its message. Moreover, they are considered, as some studies suggest, one of the contributing alternatives in achieving the adequacy of the text. This adequacy is achieved through forming a high amount of information and spending less volume of means. Therefore, for their importance, they have had to be studied in different speech patterns in an applied form, to fathom their relationship with each pattern and to measure their control. Due to the direct effect of the pronouns in the texts in relation to the functional and semantic aspects. I decided to apply it in the linguistic sarcastic texts. Literary sarcasm is about mocking the other, therefore the personal pronouns carry a textual role in the text because most of the time the other person is called by the pronoun instead of the name. I chose to apply it in the sarcastic texts of Al Jahiz and Abu Hayyan Al Tawhidi, addressing the role of the pronoun in achieving the cohesion in the text through three approaches: Anaphora in the attached pronoun the anaphora in the subjective pronoun and the anaphora of the implicit pronoun. Additionally, the existence of the textual or contextual anaphors and their effect in the structure and the cohesion of the text. I also covered the pronoun and its reference to the anaphoric scale and conformity as well as the characteristics of the intact anaphors in the texts. Consequently, the study proved the linguistic cohesion of the studied texts. For the reason that the anaphoric connection led to achieve the line sequence of the sentences on the syntax level. It was obvious that the unclarified or unassigned pronouns in their contexts in the texts are assigned to an element outside the text, therefore the anaphora becomes external. In addition to that, the attached pronouns in Al Jahiz and AL Tawhidi's texts led to the cohesion of the text by connecting the sentences internally and externally: Internally between the single sentence, while externally between the sentence and what is before and after it. Moreover, the pronouns in Al Jahiz and Al Tawhidi's texts have had the role of the clarity and the safety of the syntax of the texts, that is obvious when the anaphoric noun is dispensed with the anaphora in another part of the text. Indeed, the more the anaphoric pronouns are used, the clear and brief the text becomes.