أثر صعوبة المهمة في التنظيم الذاتي الطالبات الصف السادس ذوات التحصيل الدراسي المرتفع والمنخفض في محافظة شمال الباطنة بسلطنة عمان.
الجهورية, منى بنت خميس بن هلال.
English abstract
The study aimed to investigate task difficulty (easy & difficult) on self regulation for students with low and high achievement in North Batina. The sample consisted of 60 females (grades 6) who were divided into two groups: high achievement group (30 students) and low achievement group (30 students). The Quasi experiment design was used. Both groups received two tasks (easy & difficult) which consisted of three questions in English vocabulary for grade 6, each question includes 4 vocabulary in easy task & 8 vocabulary in difficult task. Different data were collected. The time, performance and type of assistances were utilized. The study revealed statistical differences in self-regulation for high achievement group attributed to task difficulty. The study demonstrated that there were no statistical differences in self-regulation for low achievement group. The result also showed there are no statistical differences in self-regulation for either low/high achievement groups attributed to academic achievement.